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Thursday, October 28, 2010

O Captain My Captain

So yes besides all of the other geeky things I do, I have a deep love of comic books(or at least the over the top characters with cool back stories).  So that is why I knew that I had to make the teaser for todays post be the cover of this weeks Entertainment Weekly.

After the jump, I'll bring you cars that I wish were already in the U.S. and an awesome TED talk.

Yes, yes I switched up the teaser order and I do apologize however I had this page up because something had reminded me about this TED talk today. Basically Frank Reynolds was paralyzed and with no prior medical education, came to provide a cure for certain types of spinal cord injuries. I think it is a pretty cool story if not just because of the interesting story that this guy gives while explaining how he CURED HIS OWN PARALYSIS. Crazy stuff.

Anyway, I guess with all those solar issues I discussed yesterday, the fact that an all electric car with actual range did it's first publicity run slipped my mind.  So basically a group, funded by a German utility company, took an Audi A2, EVed it, and than drove it 624 miles(which is basically 10000km) from Munich to Berlin.  The thing that really impressed me about this car is that it went that far, it has all the features that a car should have(Heated seats, radio, seating for more than 2, a trunk), and that it doesn't make me want to stab myself because it looks so bad (O yes, here is looking at you prius).  A link to an article is provided, however I would encourage looking for more, because with every piece I find, the more cool stuff about this car I find.


Also, in car news, Fiat still hasn't brought a worthwhile car over to the U.S., or as far as I can tell any car.  Pictured above is the Fiat Abarth 500.  Also for those of you who don't know, Fiat is that cool car company that bought up Chrysler(I think for the Jeep and Dodge brands because I challenge you to name an actual Chrysler that is worth owning).

Now why does this dinky little car matter you ask?  Well how would you like a true urban car that can go from 0-60 in 7.9seconds(or even around the lower 7s, with the better versions)?  Which just to give you an idea is about as fast as some full sized cars, i mean the Honda civic usually post around 7 seconds.  This little guy boast an impressive 140 hp in the normal consumer model and 160+ hp in the upper end models.  Which might sound like a large blender for some folks but on a car this size, really makes it jump.  Thankfully this car is supposed to be here soon, because quite frankly, this car looks like a great bit of fun! Check out the Top Gear Review to erase any doubts you may have had.

As for cool engineering stories...I have been saving this one for a rainy day because quite frankly I can't think of any right now.  But this is a wheel structure that allows you to move in any direction.  Enjoy the read!

and as always folks, keep the moment positive!


  1. I'm not really a car guy myself, but on the other hand I do like comics! Captain America is easily one of my least favourite characters, for all he represents as a whole... but from Captain America came Deadpool, so I can't hate him, let's see what the movie turns out to be.

  2. nice, not a car kinda guy but these are pretty cool

  3. i never liked comics but i suppose that's cool

  4. fiat 500 look good.....nice car

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. this top gear guy has driven lots of (sweet) cars so far^^

  7. yes! i've been watching all of the marvel animated shorts recently and they've got me super excited for a capt america movie!

  8. I enjoy watching marvel movies, but I can't say I'm a real 'fan' of comics.

  9. Too clicled of a superhero, though not as bad as wonderwoman

  10. Ugh, not looking forward to having him as the Captain

  11. As cool as the electric car movement is, I really feel like we are killing an awesome thing with high strung NA engines.. It's like the era of ww2 figher planes that were built to really push the envelope. With the introduction of the jet engine, it really left that era of plane behind, which is sad.

  12. WHAAAT?!?! dude cant be the human torch AND cappy america. lol.
