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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why is the United States Top Gear Retarded?

Today I am bringing you a piece on Top Gear(2002-present), the world's funniest production TV series.

So, after tweeting, nearly nonstop yesterday about the best show in the world, #topgear, I came to realize that people in this modern country are literally losing out on what might just be, they best experience delivered in a normal TV spot, ever.   So naturally, to get myself in maximum blogging form I did the only possible thing that one could do... I began chain watching episodes of Top Gear which is the reason why yesterday's post was just a bunch of hoopla about things I am currently wasting time on.  

But fear not! For I promise that by the end of this post your inner car junky will be calling out and punching you in the face for not having already watched the antics of these delightfully talented, British men.

Basically there are 3 hosts, Jeremy Richard and James.  These three drive the cars, do crazy challenges, have great interviews with celebrities, and generally make quite the commotion all while driving things with motors.
  Just to list some of their achievements (that I know of), they have: driven to the North Pole in a production vehicle, driven to the top of the Icelandic volcano that then went on to great fame by giving Europe the finger, at one moment in time held the world record for fastest velocity in a "production" vehicle, drove across(yes drove) the English channel, and nearly killed Tom Cruise.  

So you may ask, well this show sounds amazing, I am going to go watch right now!  Well hold on for a few more moments, because there is still one personality that I have not revealed.  The Stig... 

The Stig is the shows "tamed race car driver".  He is essentially the tester that they use in order to give a fair result for speed test.  The Stig also has something in common with RacerX, a secret identity.  However unlike RacerX the Stig doesn't speak, heck he doesn't even communicate.  Often many parts of the series will include the Stig doing challenges with the guys which almost always results in him being forced into social situations that the alien/robot/T1 like Stig simply can not respond to.  

Now to be honest, since 2002 the show has gotten bigger and better, so if you start with series one you will probably find yourself wanting more.  However the clever person will watch series 15 which features such classics as the undrivable three wheeled car and the volcano episode and then go back so that way you can get maximum Top Gear while not being underwhelmed initially.  Now, I would never condone streaming bucket loads of videos, or conveniently torrenting them directly to your computers for simple and easy viewing and enjoyment, however I have heard from sources that there are extremely high quality streams of top gear episodes available if you just happen, to for example only of course, search "Top gear series 15 ep 1".  You know...... for example...... 

Finally, just to give everyone an idea of what exactly they are missing, I've linked one very funny, and very legal video for everyone's viewing pleasure!

and as always everyone,.......**** awkward silence****........


  1. Top Gear is an extreme show that most of the US couldn't handle

  2. I wish to see this some times :P

  3. This has got to be one of the main things I miss from England.. Gonna watch soo much of it when I get home. :)

  4. havent heard of this in the states

  5. I love top gear, I watch it anytime its on BBC.

  6. I've seen it a few times on BBC America, it's a pretty fun watch.

  7. just so you know they do edit the US one because I guess their time slot is a little different, which is sad because I love every part of this show

  8. Such a good show. I got all excited about the upcoming US version, 'til I discovered what crap it looks like it's going to be. Ah well.

  9. I dont know about it.. i dont enjoy it that much

  10. I'm watching Top Gear as much as I possibly can.. The show is so funny at times and very much entertaining! It's a must see imo! :P

  11. Oh god I love Top Gear. It's one of the last things I actually laugh at. The episode where Jeremy takes the reliant robin out and keeps tipping it made me laugh SO MUCH. One of the good episodes is where they attempt to send the reliant robin up into space.. That was pretty funny.

  12. Lol I never have seen it for a reason!

  13. that hilux that can handle anything is probably one of my favorite things

  14. I don't get the connection between your post title and the post contents :/

    But anyways, I agree, Top Gear is awesome. Especially Stig.

  15. huh i am not sure , i like that tv series

  16. yea compared to original us ver. is lame

  17. TG is bad-fucking-arse. can't wait for the new season ^^

  18. sounds awesome but ive never even heard of it...

  19. shows like that i cannot see more than 3 4 times.

  20. Cool! I'd never heard of this one before. Gonna be watching

  21. I don't really see how the american version can be better than the british one.

  22. Didn't even know they had a top gear US. Love the original one though.

  23. I still want to see this show on the History channel

  24. Well, I'll definitely make sure I don't Google "Top gear series 15 ep 1", no sir I won't

  25. Love top gear, used to watch it loads. Not as much now though.

  26. lol a show that the US can't handle? we're the champs of watching tv!! :P

  27. Never heard of the show before. Going to see if I can find some episodes on YouTube.

  28. Haven't seen the American version but the Australian version was just terrible compared to the original.

  29. yeah, the US can be pretty pathetic with its television. I dont watch.

  30. Havn't seen it yet, but plan to now. Where can i get the episodes?

  31. gringos are quite locos, you know what i mean

  32. US top gear is teerrrrrible..the UK version is about the most entertaining thing on television today

  33. have you seen that episode where they are trying to destroy that red toyota truck and can't do it?

    that's awful

  34. >United States
    >Top Gear
    >Not Retarded

    Pick two

  35. Patrick Stewart + car racing?

    Sure, why not.

  36. hahah! top gear rules!

  37. I love the original top gear, but we have a version of it here in Aus and it. is. terrible.

  38. Top Gear is one of the best TV shows to come out of Britain. When I heard my dad watching it I had my doubts but it is such a hilarious and awesome show. I loved the bobsledding and Communist Cars episodes. Their jokes are sophisticated, intellectually stimulating, and they're just hilarious guys.

  39. Original Top Gear is the best, have seen a Russian version of it... Cheap copy...
